Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Week 59: Kingwood 2 Ward, Kingwood Stake; Companion Elder Dodge

  I say long week not necessarily because it just felt long, but because it was long. Counting PDays as the beginning of weeks as we do, this last week was 9 days. But I've been okay with it because today we get to go to the temple! 
     I'm also doing an exchange tonight... it's gonna be a crazy day.

     This past week has also been long because it's a been a little slow. We've been losing our teaching pool lately and we barely have anyone left to talk to. This isn't bad though, all the people who aren't talking to us anymore weren't very interested, so it's good to move on from them. Because of the lack of people to talk to, we've been doing a lot of street contacting. I'm honestly surprised we weren't able to set up a lesson with anyone new. Kingwood is being more stubborn than usual lately. 
     We did get in contact with Austin again, after not talking to him in two weeks. He accidently gave us the wrong number, so none of our texts went through to him. We caught him on Sunday though and fixed it up. We also had a cool conversation about why there's sin in the world and what would happen if everyone was just perfect. It was an interesting question and we had a good conversation. He also scheduled to meet with us at the church on Sunday, so that's sweet. He's a cool kid and he says he has lots of questions, so I'm excited to meet with him again.
     Linda has been super busy all of last week up until now, so we haven't been able to meet with her at all. She has read a little bit, but yesterday she told us she hasn't read at all over the weekend. We asked if she's noticed a difference on the days she does and doesn't read and she said yes. She noticed that the days she does read on are typically a better day because of it. That was when I threw my hands up and, in my head, said "then why don't you read everyday!?" I was about to say this, but she kinda said it for me. She's understanding the importance, that makes me happy. We also gave her some advice about bringing up baptism to her husband and she jokingly said "you're too young to have good advice!" She did like what we suggested though, and agreed to try it. 

     We did a blitz with the Zone Leaders this past week and it was fun. Elder Jackson and I went to the top of our area and talked to EVERYONE. But no one cares to strenghten their faith in Jesus Christ I guess. All we got was a bunch of "no"s and lame exuses. Those will come back to bite you eventually! At one house Elder Jackson complimented the guy's mustache. The guy and myself laughed and Elder Jackson was a little confused, cause he was totally genuine. Funny guy. 

     I can't think of anything else that happened that is interesting enough to put here... I'll share a scripture I liked from my studies. Alma 37:46
"O my son, do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way; for so was it with our fathers; for so was it prepared for them, that if they would look they might live; even so it is with us. The way is prepared, and if we will look we may live forever.
     This verse got me thinking about something I've noticed with members of the church (myself included sometimes). We often get comfortable in the way life is going and forget that there is always stuff for us to do. 2 Nephi 31:20 teaches us that we are not ever done. There is always something to improve and ways we can show greater faith and dedication to God. We know the way and because of that I think we get a little slothful sometimes. We must focus on the little things as well as the great, because it is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass. Let's avoid getting carried away by the fact that we have the truth and the restored gospel. There is still much to do and God does not tolerate slothfulness. Look forward to the goal and never lean from it.

     I often wonder how many people get this email... My mother does the distribution for me, so I really don't know. I assume more than just my grandparents and siblings (I doubt my siblings even read these anyway). 
     Have a good week!

-Elder Peterson

Our apartment had a pupkin carving contest yesterday. We don't know who won yet, but we feel pretty good about ours.

I'm not doing very good with the photos... I'll do better.

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  Avynlea, Rylee, Ryker, Kenedy and Ty Rylee, Kefford, Elizabeth, Avynlea, Ty, Kenedy and Ryker