We had a couple cool miracles this past week. Here's two of them:
We were over in a neighborhood near our place and talked to one lady who believes in reincarnation and it was an interesting conversation. Very respectful though, I'm grateful that she was a kind woman. We got a text from Dexter saying that he needs to cancel our lesson, though, because he was going to his neighbor's home to wax her car. We asked if we could come help and he told us where he was at. We helped him wax her car and talked with both of them as we did. Ann, whose car we were waxing, asked us some questions about missionary work and was actually pretty interested in the Book of Mormon. Dexter helped testify of our work as well, which was cool. She took a Book of Mormon and agreed to try reading it. After we finished all the work and she had gone inside we talked a bit with Dexter. I once again explained the importance of reading and praying about the Book of Mormon and he said that he will start reading it for real. I hope he means it.
We got taken out to lunch by a member and the food was really good. It also wrecked me for some reason. Later when we were finding in the evening I REALLY had to go to the bathroom. So we sped to a gas station and I found the restrooms "out of order." I panicked a little. We got back in the car and sped to another gas station that was further away from where we had planned to do our finding. That restroom was in order. Finally we were able to get back to work. We didn't know exactly where to go because we didn't have enough miles to go back to where we had been. Luckily there was a nice little neighborhood right behind the gas station, so we started walking around there. I wasn't super hopeful because the one other time I had walked that area it was not reseptive at all. We were walking around though and eventually, when we were getting ready to leave, we met a guy named Reggie. He was not very interested at first at all. But I had questions coming into my mind as well as things to say and the conversation got deeper and more Christ centered. He opened up about some questions he has about God and desires that he has. We talked about how God provides answers to anyone who diligently and sincerely seeks them. We found out that he lives in Baytown, but we were able to convince him to meet with the Elders over there (Elder Heiner is one of them, thankfully. I trust him a lot). We testified more of God's love for him and that he can get closer to God one step at a time. He seemed a lot more hopeful by the end of our conversation and we all felt the spirit. As we walked back to the car I just pondered the series of events that led to meeting him. Kinda strange, but definitely divinely orchestrated. I'm grateful that the Lord provided a way for me to share some of my testimony with someone this evening.
The week was hot, but good. The Zone Conference was a good way to end the week. It was probably the most spiritual zone conference I've had. Lots of testimonies were shared and there was an AMAZING musical number by Elder Nestripke, Elder John, and some sisters I don't know. It was awesome though. At the end of the conference it kinda hit me that it was my last one and I got a little sad about it. I'm glad the last one was a good one though.
That's pretty much all I've got. One more email next week. 

- Elder Peterson
We also got to go to the temple to do baptisms, that was awesome.
Check out this monster wasp. Makes me a little less sad to leave Texas...
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