I did get a bag of Sour Patch Kids. It's a big bag. One of the Spanish missionaries gave it to me. Gracias.
We've been teaching a really cool guy named Donald. His current living situation doesn't make it very easy to meet in person, so our lessons have been over the phone. He is a super cool guy though. He's got such a deep love for Jesus Christ and for learning about the gospel. He's been feasting on the Book of Mormon and has been taking lots of notes. We had a lesson yesterday that went great. He told us about how he loved watching our church on Zoom and can't wait to come in person. As we were starting I felt prompted to ask my mom if she would like to join the phone lesson and share her testimony. I knew she would be nervous, but she agreed anyway. We talked about the Plan of Salvation with Donald and then my mom shared her testimony at the end. It was AWESOME! I didn't even think about this when I felt prompted to ask her, but my sister had just gotten married and my mom had a lot of her family around. The Plan of Salvation is about families, so the Spirit knew that my mom would have special feelings about it right now. Her testimony brought the Spirit in such a strong way and Donald loved hearing it. That was the first time I've ever had two phones going in a lesson, but it worked so well
. We're super excited about how that lesson went and we're grateful that my mom was willing to share her light.

Speaking of mothers, happy Mother's Day to any moms out there! Our ward had a BBQ for all the mothers on Friday and it was super fun. All the men served their food and then a Mariachi band came and performed for a while. I don't think I've ever seen one in person, so I had a great time. It was strange, though, when one older woman asked them to play the baby shark song... oh well, it was funny. Our friend Robyn was able to come to the BBQ too. We talked with her yesterday after church and asked if she's been thinking about baptism. She said that she has and that she knows she needs to pick a date. So we scheduled her baptism for the 27th. We're praying that nothing comes up, because she doesn't seem to completely understand how great of a priority this should be and she tends to be a bit flakey

Mother's Day was great, I enjoyed talking to my mom. I also got to see a lot of my extended family that I haven't seen in a while. It was awesome. I would go on about how much I love my mom, but I already wrote her a letter with all that. And besides, there's not enough time to write all of it here. Suffice it to say, God knew that I needed (and still need) my mom. She's been the greatest influence in my life besides the Godhead. And I owe a lot of my knowledge about the Savior to her as well anyway. It's been very difficult to be away from her for this long, but I know I'm where she wants me to be. I love her and can't wait to see her in person again in a couple of months.
It's been a great week, I hope y'all are doing well. Have a great week!
- Elder Peterson
That's me and mom down there.
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