Monday, October 17, 2022

Week 58: Kingwood 2 Ward, Kingwood Stake; Companion Elder Dodge

 On Wednesday Elder Dodge, Elder Simpson, and I fasted with Linda to help her receive revelation as to what she should do. She wants to be baptized, but she fears that doing so would create a rift between her and her husband (who, if you don't remember, is very against our church). The next day she told us that she really enjoyed the fast and that she would do it again sometime. I kept asking if it helped her with her questions and I didn't really get an solid answers. I think it has though, She told us that she brought up baptism to her husband. He pretty much did what I expected. He said she can do whatever she wants, but he won't support her in joining the church. That really bugged all of us, but it is what it is. We just keep praying for Mel and Linda. 

     That same day we began an exchange with our Zone Leaders, Elder Smith and Jackson. I went with Elder Smith, which was awesome for several reasons. One, because we were in the same group of new missionaries and we even sat in the same row on the airplane (Elder Nestripke between us). But it was even cooler because he is from Boise! He went to Centennial High School, if that sounds familiar to any of you. I'm also not sure if I spelled it right, but I don't care too much. He and I had a great exchange and we talked about places back home almost the entire time. Roaring Springs, Wahooz, Eagle Bike Park, Tablerock, Little Gem Cycle Park, etc. He was a mountain biker, so we've also been to a lot of the same trails, at least the ones I rode my dirtbike on. It was a conversation I didn't know I needed. It didn't make me homesick at all, it just brought back a waterfall of good memories. He's also got an envelope with some sage brush in it and he had me smell it. I tell you, when I sniffed that stuff I was immediately taken back to coyote hunting with Grandpa. That one did make me miss home a bit. I didn't realize I haven't smelled sage brush in over a year. The whole exchange was a trip down memory lane. We also had some good contacts. We were supposed to have a couple of lessons, but they both fell through, so we did a lot of walking. We knocked on one door and a little girl opens the door and goes "We aren't interested, you can go now." And then she shut the door. It was pretty funny. 

     On Friday we had district council and it was great. I have been so busy with meetings and phone calls every morning and night that I barely had any time to prepare for DC. It turned out alright though, I actually ran out of time before I could get to everything I wanted to. We had a great discussion about faith and what it truly is. One of the scriptures we discussed that stood out to me a lot was Jacob 4:6. I love how getting faith is explained as well as the power that come from faith in God. Great stuff.

     I'm not sure why I made the car show a part of the subject for this email, but I'm not going to bother changing it. The car show was yesterday afternoon. There were some REALLY cool cars that I could have stared at all day. We also ran into Elder and Sister Robertson looking at all of them. They are a senior couple that works in the mission office. We all walked around and admired the cars for a while. I'll put some pictures of my favorite ones down below. 

     We had a cool experience on Saturday. We stopped by the house of a guy who had been a referral when I first got to the area (about 3+ months ago). Elder Simpson and I were never able to get a hold of him. Elder Dodge and I were able to on Saturday though! Turns out he's a high schooler and a very big one at that. He's probably about 6'8" (at least) and 300lbs (at least). HUGE kid. I've never felt so small while sharing the restoration. Which, he took very well I might add. He told us he'd like to learn more and that we can come by on Thursday. It was awesome, he has so many good questions that I wish everyone would ask. Like, why are there so many churches in the world? Why do we need a Savior? Why do pregnant women die, without their child having an opportunity to even have a life? GREAT questions, we are very excited to meet with this kid. This goliath of a kid.

     So my week has been pretty good, how has yours been? I know my sister went to Disneyland, which is cool. I guess. I hope you are all doing well. I'm not sure exactly who gets these emails and who actually reads them, but I'm sure I really do hope you're doing well. I have very few enemies, no need to worry. Anyway... Bye.

-Elder Peterson

Some cool cars and then Elder Smith trying on a weird hat from a gas station.

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  Avynlea, Rylee, Ryker, Kenedy and Ty Rylee, Kefford, Elizabeth, Avynlea, Ty, Kenedy and Ryker