This past week has been pretty good. We haven't had an actual lesson in over a week. We schedule some and then they fall-through, kind of like my last couple of weeks in Broadway.
Maybe that means I'm leaving...
I wouldn't mind staying for a third transfer in Port Arthur, I enjoy conversing with the people over here. They all understand the importance of continuing to learn about Christ and building a relationship with Him. Now we just need them to understand that we know how to help them do that 

We haven't had any lessons with non-members, but we visited an inactive member last week. Tiffani is super nice and she agreed to let us share a message with her. Our visit was mostly getting to know her and just talking about life, but it was still cool. She lives with a respectable man (married? Idk) who is not a member but is interested enough that he said he might come to church. Tiffani told us she was definitely coming to church, but we did not see her yesterday, pretty disappointing. We'll just keep bugging her until she actually does come. We have another meeting set up for this Friday and she said that she'll feed us too. Good deal.
On Thursday the Assitants to the President, Elders Jones and Horner, did a blitz with us and then stayed at our apartment for the night. It was because they had a lot of traveling to do, so they stayed at our place for convenience.
Elder Jones and I went and knocked on a bunch of people's doors, people we used to talk to. We knocked on a glass door at one house (the main door was open inside) and this MASSIVE dog went crazy. It was jumping on the door and snarling/barking at us with slobber going everywhere. I'm pretty sure its eyes were red too. It was stressful enough like that, but then the beast jumped on the door AND IT OPENED! I quickly shoved the door back shut and leaned against it to keep it shut. Finally, the owner came and took the dog to its kennel. That dog was a bear, I'm not even kidding. We talked to the guy (great conversation) and then Elder Jones and I laughed as we walked away. We basically almost died.
I was telling my mom this and she told me to stop messing with animals.
I'll think about it.
This Sunday is stake conference and we missionaries are singing in the choir. Boo.
I'm super grateful for the help I've received from the Lord this past week. It could have been super discouraging to not have any lessons, but I've been feeling just fine. I can confidently say that we've been working hard and that we are doing what we can. Because of that, the only negative emotion I'm feeling is a little sadness that the people we talk to aren't progressing. I know the Lord sees our efforts and blesses us for them. As Elder Christofferson said "True manhood" I'd say true discipleship, "is not always measured by the fruits of one’s labors but by the labors themselves—by one’s striving."
I'm grateful for my loving Father in Heaven and for the love that comes from my family and friends.
Have a good week. Read your scriptures!
-Elder Peterson
1) Sister Amen took us to a buffet
2) Kenedy and I (she's 22 now!!!!!)
3) Nice picture of the distant refinery
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