Last week we went to a couple district councils to do Sister Larkin's object lesson for her. There's been some craziness with some missionaries having health challenges (so I've been told) so President and Sister Larkin have been busy in Kingwood and weren't able to come over to Orange. It was fun being at the District Councils, especially because I didn't have to do anything, I just listened and observed (Elder Nestripke did Sister Larkin's presentation). We were also supposed to have our interviews over zoom, but ours got postponed until the next day because of how busy they were.
I guess none of that was super interesting. I'm just trying to fill space 

On Saturday morning President Harris (the Stake President here) invited us to his home for a study. It was super cool, he is a very knowledgeable man. We talked about the premortal life and the fall of Adam and Eve. I learned a lot about our relationship with God and how perfect this plan really is (the Plan of Salvation). One thing I found super interesting is that this world is fashioned like wherever we were in the premortal life. I like it because it gives me a better picture of what it was like in our first probation.
After our study with him Elder Nestripke and I went to a recent converts home to help him paint his kitchen. We did two layers of primer and it took about 2½ hours. It was fun though, painting is something I enjoy because I can be really OCD about it. They also got us Sonic for lunch, so that was cool. I still have splatters of primer on my arms. I can't get them off

Last night we shared a message about feeling the spirit and acting on impressions with a member family. I felt impressed to commit them to, for the next 24 hours, follow every single impression. No matter how strange it may sound. Realistically we should all being doing that 24/7, but it's hard. It was cool though because I shared my testimony and they all agreed to do it. I heard a quote recently that went somewhere along the lines of "Every good thought or idea is a prompting from God until proven otherwise." (Something like that). We talked about how often we doubt impressions and think they're just our own thoughts, but Moroni 7 teaches that if something invites us to do good, it is of God. We just take credit for those impressions too often

Anyway, this church is true and God does still speak to us. I know that as we really try to follow all of our spiritual impressions, we will be instruments in God's hands to perform miracles and change lives.
Have a great week!
-Elder Peterson
- Elder Nestripke got "trampled"
- Elder Frogley and I did a blitz and found puppies
- This is what the wasps look like over here. It's about as long as my thumb
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