I had two exchanges this past week.
The first exchange was in my last area, I got to go back to Moss Bluff for a bit! I was a little disappointed though because the apartment was very messy. I take a little pride in my cleanliness. So going back to a place I just lived at and seeing it in a mess was weird. Other than that though, it was a great exchange. I got to be companions with the Elders who are finishing Elder Woodhouse's training (one of my last companions). We didn't do anything super interesting, but we did find a leak in their place. So that's getting fixed. I'm glad it didn't happen when I lived there

For the second exchange I stayed Vidor and Elder Wood came with me. This guy is 25 years old. A bit old for a missionary, but really interesting! Honestly I probably wouldn't have guessed he was that much older than me had he not said anything. He is still in his first transfer of training, so we are more experienced than each other in different ways
. It was a fun exchange though, he is a really positive guy and he absolutely loves missionary work. He also helped me remember to pray a bit slower. He prays pretty slow, but it reminded me that I shouldn't rush prayers.

We've been working really hard with the people we have, but none of them are keeping commitments very well. So we are also trying to find more people. Vidor is amazing in every aspect except for two (in my opinion). One, the work is pretty slow. Everyone is pretty spread out, we don't have any neighborhoods really. And two, there's still no mountains. But those aren't even big deals, we'll just continue to press forward and work hard. There's a lot of less active members that we minister to with members. I really enjoy doing that.
I've been studying light a lot recently and I've learned a lot about it. It's interesting that Jesus Christ is our spiritual light and he is also the source of physical light. One big thing I've learned is that we must not EVER let anything come between us and Christ. This includes family. The first great commandment is to love God. Then, we must love our neighbors. As important as it is to love our families with everything we have, we cannot let even them keep us from Christ. This my very difficult for a lot of people, but God always makes everything work out in the end. The light of Christ is our source of life and spiritual energy. If we let anything disconnect us we will lose the safety and direction that comes from His light.
It's been a good week, I've learned a lot.
I hope all ya'll have a great week!
-Elder Peterson
President Ross took us to get frozen yogurt.
That house belongs to a member in our ward. I think it's really cool.
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