Oh yeah. We did it again. We were conveniently at the office when TLC (training for new missionaries) was going on again. Unfortunately we didn't get a free lunch this time, but it was still awesome. I got to see Elder Frogley and Elder Paulsen and talk with them a bunch. I don't think I've seen Elder Frogley in a while, so that was a tender mercy. We also had a bunch of missionaries asking us for help with technology problems they have. Now, I don't mind. I really don't. But it gets a little old when people come to you with problems that you've explained how to fix many times already. *sigh* oh well. I enjoy helping people, so I just go along with it. This transfer we actually haven't been to the office very much. I've figured out how to do everything pretty quickly, so the only reason we really go now is so I can teach Elder Dodge how to do everything. I've also made a ton of tutorial PowerPoints, so he should be good for when I leave.
On Saturday our zone did a large blitz where a bunch of companionships switched for a couple hours and we all went into the 3 Kingwood areas to try to find people to teach. Elder Colt and I went to the top of my area and walked around for 3 hours. It was a ton of fun because Elder Colt and I get along very well. He's actually from Kuna, Idaho (which is right below meridian), so we were able to talk about some places back home. We walked for a while and it was looking like we weren't going to find anyone that would be interested in meeting with us, until we met D'Angelo. This kid is walking around the neighborhood playing Pokemon Go on his phone and then he notices us and goes "Hey, are you guys from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?" We said yes and then he told us that he went to the Kingwood 2nd ward when he was really young, but his family doesn't go anymore. We talked with him for a while and had a cool conversation. He has had a really tough life and knows that religion is important. He told us about how he wants to learn more about God, because he knows it's important to learn about Him. We gave him a Book of Mormon and asked him to read Ether 12, which he agreed to do. D'Angelo is 13 and he is a super cool kid.
That was the only conversation we had with someone, but it was awesome. Elder Colt and I had a fun time working together, I'd be down to be companions with him in the future.
Which probably means we won't 

Yesterday we had the first lesson we've had in a while. We met at the church with a kid named Austin. He's a senior at one of the highschools here and he is a goliath. 6'8" and at least 300lbs. He plays football for his school (obviously) and apparently he's super good. We found out he is also a very spiritual guy. He has super good questions and we had a super good conversation with him. At the end of our discussion we shared a Book of Mormon with him and invited him to read it and pray about it. He actually seemed pretty excited to do so. We're praying that he won't get distracted too much and that he'll read it like he said he will.
I think this is one of the hardest parts of missionary work for me. Watching people get so close to receiving that spiritual witness and then hearing that they "didn't have time to read" or they forgot about it. Not only is it a simple thing to do, read a chapter and pray, but it's soooooo important. Gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon is so important for people who are seeking truth. The answers to the questions of the soul are contained in this book and everyone is invited to simply look for it themselves. Find out for yourself if it's true!
I could go off about that for a while, but I'll spare you the rant.
I know it's true, and I know ANYONE can know it's true. Only if they put in the effort and seek an answer from God. I'm so grateful to have a testimony of the Book of Mormon and of the restored church of Jesus Christ. My Savior means everything to me, I so desperately want others to have the same relationship with Him.
BTW, tomorrow is my Mom's birthday. Send her a happy birthday 

Until next week, stay cool.
-Elder Peterson
Two of these pictures were taken at a Halloween party we went to last Monday night. It was fun.
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