I love Halloween! I love the creative decorations people set up and the fun costumes that kids are always so excited to wear
. On Saturday we got to go to our ward's Trunk or Treak activity at the church. It was so much fun! It started with a chili cook-off, so I ate very well. Then there were games set up around the church and people with their trunks decorated outside. The only thing that killed the mood was the Sisters showing up "dressed as Elders." They were totally mocking us! I guess it was kind of funny, but I won't tell them that. They already thought they were hilarious
I'll put a picture down below. What was really fun was that the kids in the ward seemed to remember who I am, so they would come up and talk to me. I mean this in the most normal way I can, but I love kids. I don't know if it's just cause I miss the 30+ little cousins I have or if it's just because kids are hilarious. But it was so fun watching all the crazy kids in their weird costumes running around like tornadoes
. Elder Dodge accidently bumped into a kid dressed up as SWAT and the kid proceeded to pull out his baton and poke him in the stomach with an angry face. Then he marched away. We were laughing so hard at that. Everyone kept asking why we didn't dress up and I just kept telling them we were FBI. I wish I had brought my aviators... that would have been perfect. A guy suggested we dress up as the sisters since they dressed up as us. I laughed, and then realized he wasn't really kidding. I said "fat chance" and then got some more chili.

It was a super fun night and I'm glad we got to go. We had invited some of the people we're teaching, but none of them showed up. I understand though, I'm sure everyone had parties they were going to.
Not much (besides that party) has happened since I last wrote. Elder Dodge and I have been walking all over the area trying to find people that will talk to us. We haven't had much success yet, but I've got faith it'll turn around. God has put people in my path before, I know He can do it again.
We met with Linda the other night, I think Wednesday night maybe. We talked with her and we all felt that now wasn't the best time for her to take the next step. Her husband has agreed to start going to church with her again, though not this church. But we are all very hopeful at the fact that he's opening up more to going with her. We feel that it's best that she follows his lead for now, so as not to risk driving any kind of wedge in their relationship. I know that the Lord will work something out and eventually circumstances will allow them to progress towards the Covenant path. I am very grateful for getting to know Linda so much. The hope that the Gospel has brought her makes her shine like a beacon and I'm so grateful to have been an instrument in God's hand to bring that hope and peace to her. I just pray that she'll be able to continue with it in the future.
I'm not sure if I explained all that very well or if it makes much sense, but I know I feel peace in what we've decided. I know Linda will be given the opportunity again.
We shared our testimonies with her before leaving and I shared this verse with her as part of my testimony.
"I glory in plainness; I glory in truth; I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul from hell.
I have charity for my people, and great faith in Christ that I shall meet many souls spotless at his judgment-seat" (2 Nephi 33: 6-7).
Jesus Christ means everything to me. Without Him there would be no hope for the future. But because of Him, I have all hope for the future. I echo the words of Nephi in this scripture in that I also have great hope and great faith for that day. I know my Redeemer lives, and I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His kingdom on the earth. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is real and it is sufficient for all of us if we simply give Him our all. Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration and the Book of Mormon is the word of God. Russell M. Nelson is a prophet of God called to lead His church today.
I do not just believe these things, I know them to be true. This knowledge came by my study and prayer and I testify that any person can receive this witness if they experiment upon Moroni's words in the last chapter of the Book of Mormon.
God lives and loves.
Have a great week, don't have too much fun today

-Elder Peterson
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