It's been a fun week with Elder Nelson, we've had some sweet lessons and he's a funny guy.
We've had a lot of lessons reschedule, but we've also had some really good ones.
We met with Stephen Hodgin and had an interesting discussion with him. He kept telling us that he wants proof that Joseph Smith was a prophet and pretty much refuses to accept that he'll receive an answer through prayer and personal revelation. We told him to try anyway and he accepted, though I'm fairly positive it won't be with real intent. The discussion turned towards baptism for the dead and he was very interested in that. He struggles with believing that God speaks to us though, so we'll be helping him learn about personal revelation as we continue to meet with him.
Another awesome lesson with Bern and Norma, finally. We haven't been able to contact them in a long time, but we finally were able to talk to them again. We talked about the Plan of salvation and it went very well. They were very interested and they asked great clarifying questions. They particularly liked how everything is always centered on love and the Savior. We asked them to continue praying about the things we've shared so they can know it's true for themselves.
The other day we went to a member's house to help them with some yard work. We planned on being done around 6:30 and then we'd head to Jazmine and Eric's wedding (it finally happened). You wanna know how long we were at the member's house? Until 8!!! Granted, they fed us dinner, but still! We missed the wedding and the opportunity to talk to Eric some more. Jazmine is a member but Eric is not. He wants to be sealed in the temple with Jazmine, so we're trying to help him get baptized. The wedding was a perfect time to swoop in and be like "Hey, now that you're married you should start coming to church with your wife..." But nooooo. We gardened for 3 hours and missed it.
Later in the week we stopped by Eric's house to congratulate them and we were able to set up a time to start teaching him. So honestly, no biggie. But I wanted cake from the wedding
and the cool opportunity to talk to them there.

Oh well.
Okay, now for why I say mom was right. When I was younger and taking piano lessons my mom would tell me about how it will be such a useful skill as a missionary. I didn't listen and I didn't care, I stopped taking lessons. Luckily I kept practicing hymns anyway and I was able to slowly progress on my own. You already know I played in a primary program like, 7 months ago, but yesterday the bishopric had me play the piano at the end of sacrament meeting. 

It went well, and I'm glad I had the opportunity to share my "talent."
Mom was right.
She always is 

Anyway, I've had a great week and I hope y'all did too. Sorry this one's a bit short, I'm exhausted and can't think very well 

Be strong, steadfast and immovable!
-Elder Peterson
I found an Idaho sign.
Found a funny sign km someone's house.
Elder Bengtzen got some of the McCann's honey. (They sell jars that size for $50, no joke. They gave it to him for free)
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