It's only been a couple days since my last email, so this one isn't going to be that long. Cool stuff happened since Thursday though.
On Thursday we went to the temple with the Houston East Zone, there was about 40 of us (probably less than that) and it was awesome. I haven't been since October (I think) so it was well needed. After going through we took way too many pictures, as always, and then stopped by some fast food on the way home. It was a fun trip and I'm glad we got to do it.
On Friday we had our interviews with President Larkin. It was another well needed thing, his words of counsel and motivation are powerful. He told me that I'm doing a good job and that meant a lot to me. I've been having a difficult time lately, so his support is very appreciated.
That evening we had another discussion with Norma and Bern. It was great! We taught them the Restoration and explained the coming of the Book of Mormon and its significance/importance. They asked questions and payed attention very well. We all felt the spirit as it testified of the truth of our words.
Yesterday we did a blitz with Elders Bengtzen (pronounced Benson) and Barben and it was awesome. We went to the beach and split up, Elder Bengtzen and I took off. There was a lot of people there and we had several good discussions with people. We even had a lady come up and start talking to us in Spanish-English and with the little spanish we knew we understood that they were from Honduras and they're looking for a Church. It was awesome, we got their info and sent it to some Spanish missionaries from the Texas Houston South mission (they didn't live in our mission
). The rest of the night with Elder Bengtzen was awesome, the guy is a very bold missionary. At one point he knocked on a door and immediately started "arguing" with a guy about whether or not baptism was necessary. I was struggling not to laugh as it got somewhat heated. I intervened at one point to try and cool things down, but it didn't work. Eventually Elder Bengtzen realized he was not getting to the guy and that he was just getting angry, so he bore his testimony, shook his hand, and walked away. I followed after wishing the man a blessed day, I was laughing so hard inside. We had a good discussion about it afterwards and I learned how passionate he truly is about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Very inspiring. But also I learned, once again, how ineffective bashing is 

I love the guy, he's gonna do some amazing things.
I apologize for the pretty lame email, today has been very busy and I haven't had a lot of time to sit down and think about things to write.
If you ever have any kind of questions (except chemistry questions), feel free to write me an email!
Have a great week!
-Elder Peterson
That picture of Elder Bengtzen cracks me up. He drank a redbull before the temple trip and he was going crazy all day

Also, that cat is messed up. I feel bad, but also don't...
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