(Our pday was moved from Monday to today so we can go to the temple, that's why I didn't write the other day)
Just about everyday someone warns us that we're gonna die soon. "You think it's hot? Just wait until late summer." Sounds exciting. And it is getting HOT. not just hot, but humid as well, which makes it worse. Now, I don't sweat much, I never have. But last week I experienced sweat literally dripping off my face for probably the first time ever 
We were helping a sweet nonmember lady named Sandee with her jungle of a backyard.

I can't remember (and I don't care to check) if I talked about her yard in my last email, but it was baaaad. She has several health conditions (one of them being she's old) that prevent her from being able to take care of her yard. After 3 days of service (not full days, maybe 2 hours each. 6 total) we had cut all the weeds down from a couple feet to a couple inches with weed wackers. It was hard work and again, it was HOT. But we were eventually able to finish the job and her gratitude made it all worth it. We were also able to share the message of the Restoration with her and she's interested in taking lessons! We offered her a Book of Mormon and asked her to read 3 Nephi 11, which she gladly agreed to do. I'm excited to see where it goes, I hope/pray she'll keep her commitment to read.
In case y'all missed it, Mother's Day was last Sunday. It was a great day, except for in sacrament meeting where the kids were talking about why they love their mothers and I started to REALLY miss my mother...
But it's okay! I'm sure she's happy to have my nonsense out of the house for two years. But I'll be back next year to bug her again 

Anyway, Mother's Day was great. Like I said, sacrament meeting had a program for the mothers in the ward and it was awesome. And then after church Elder Mangan and I got to call our mothers for a bit. Not gonna lie, it wasn't really THAT special since we are able to call once a week anyway. But it was still nice and I got to interrupt my mom's after-church nap 

(Before you get mad at me, mom, in my defense it looked like you were napping. I don't know if you actually were or not).
I know that for having a week and a half to write about, that's not very much, but not a lot of interesting things happened this past week. So I apologize if this email wasn't entertaining enough, but I'll be writing another one in 4 days! So that one should be even worse!
I'll end with something I've learned this past week. When it comes to missionary work you have to forget yourself. I'm not out here for me, or for my parents. I'm here to serve God and help His lost children find the truth and find joy through the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sure, I'm going to grow (and have grown) from my service, but it's not about me. I see a lot of missionaries who complain about the work being too difficult and too uncomfortable. What I've learned is that's exactly how God wants it to be. The most effective growth is never in the comfort zone. How do you strengthen muscles? By breaking them down! (Basically). Missionary work is meant to be difficult so that in the process of helping others grow, we do as well. But the focus shouldn't primarily be on ourselves.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's living church upon the earth. This work is true and it will continue until God's purposes have been completed. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and it is true, I have no doubt about this. I promise to all of those who struggle with their testimonies of the Church that from prayerfully studying the Book of Mormon, you can and will come to understand the truth of what I say.
I am so privileged to be a part of this great work and I am grateful for every opportunity I have to share my testimony. I am determined to serve God with all my heart, might, mind, and strength and I invite all you who haven't found this determination to do so. Search the scriptures, talk to God, it will come.
Pray on!
-Elder Peterson
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