Monday, October 11, 2021

Week 6: Broadway 1st Ward, Houston Texas East Stake; Companion/Trainer: Elder Paulsen

I had a pretty great week, I'm adjusting pretty well. I'm typing this with my left hand only, so it might not be that long. 10 minutes ago my hand was smashed into the Church gym wall while playing soccer and because that stubbed most of my fingers, my hand isn't totally functional. Pretty swollen though.

ANYWAY, great week. We get tons of referrals from church ads, and even though not all of the referrals care to hear our message, a lot of them do. We taught several new people last week and they were (mostly) super good lessons. We even think that Jada and Monica could be on date for baptism soon.
I'm learning a lot and I'm having a ton of fun most days. 
Yesterday at church my ability to somewhat play the piano was exposed by other Missionaries and now I might have to play for the primary program... We'll see... 
But Elder's quorum was nice, I learned a lot about following the Savior and how to keep him centered in my life. Very important. 
I went on exchanges Thursday, right after zone conference, and was with Thompson and Frogley as a trio. It was a lot of fun to be back with him, and a trio is super fun turns out. We got fed a ton in their area and by Saturday night I'm pretty sure I had eaten more than the whole week before. Good times. 
I can't think of much else to say, partly because my head is a little fuzzy from my hand hurting, but also becuase I'm hungry right now. I'm gonna go steal some chips from Sister Steffenson. 

I'll end with a brief testimony. Prayer is a powerful tool. It is direct communication with Heavenly Father. The Savior taught that we should always have a prayer in our hearts. Never separate yourself from the spirit by shutting off your communication with God. Never harden your hearts towards the spirit. Always be ready and willing to receive inspiration from the spirit. And pray constantly that you will receive promptings in a way that you can easily react to. Pray ALWAYS. 

Have a good week everyone! You're all in my prayers. 

Elder Peterson

1) Frogley down
2) Creepy Halloween decoration. (I think she likes me)
3) An old edge trimmer. Pretty fun to use actually.
4) A ton of salad that me and Frogley were given after Zone Conference
5) My sweet new backpack for exchanges and carrying around a change of clothes

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  Avynlea, Rylee, Ryker, Kenedy and Ty Rylee, Kefford, Elizabeth, Avynlea, Ty, Kenedy and Ryker