Here we go. 6 weeks left to give it my all out here.
Elder Green got transferred to Cleveland, TX and Elder Burton is my new companion. I was his district leader about 6 months ago (he's been out for about 7 or 8 months) so we were able to skip the acquaintance stage and get to work already knowing each other a bit. I really miss Elder Green though, he is a stud and I had a really fun time with him. He's now with Elder Morrow who I was companions with for about 2 weeks a year ago. Weird connections everywhere at this point. Anyway, since these are my last pdays I want to spend more time doing things and less time emailing (unless you personally email me with questions (or you can wait until the end of next month and ask me in person)). I'm still going to write an email every week, I'm just not going to worry very much about making them super long.
We met a kid named Julio last week and we taught him about the Restoration of the Gospel. He is 18 and very religious, which I find interesting for someone living here. He is really interested in Joseph Smith though, and the things we believe. He seems to understand the importance of reading and praying about what we share (especially the Book of Mormon).
None of our friends are progressing super quickly, everyone is tied up worrying about treasures on earth (claiming to be too busy with work). Or, like in the case of Donnie, they just can't commit to coming to church. We can't get him to let the Spirit convince him to go... yet.
I'm listening to a song right now and right after writing that I heard these lyrics: "Why do men not hearken? God can make you free!" That's pretty much how I feel 24/7. I love these people, all of God's children, but that leads to a lot of frustration. I pray always that people will open their hearts to hear the voice of the Lord. To really hear Him. This gospel is true and God will bless all who embrace it with real intent and faith in Christ. Just try! See if I'm lying! 
(Alma 29)

I love and pray for all of you!
Have a great week!
- Elder Peterson
There is a huge spider at the end of his stick.
Car in a stream. We got no context. We just walked by and noticed it.
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