I just view the time between pdays as weeks. So it feels like I just had a 8 or 9 day week. And I'll have a 3 day week after today
. Pday was switched to today because the Zone is having a temple trip. This past "week" was awesome though, we worked hard. Now, I'm about to rant. Bear with me.

That woman we found last week, Mary Ann, has been progressing well. We think. We have had several lessons with her and they're mostly going well. We've talked a lot about Joseph Smith and the importance of the Book of Mormon. She seems to be understanding things, but there's a problem I noticed after a lesson with her on Tuesday. It seems like she doesn't quite understand our purpose and the fact that what we are doing is more than just a Bible study. She gets really excited for our lessons because she lives alone and wants people to talk to. We have explained and testified that no book on Earth is more important than the Book of Mormon because it contains the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She wants to be like Christ and we keep telling her that the way to do that is by reading His words contained in the Book of Mormon and applying its teachings in her life. But she doesn't seem to grasp the eternal importance of spending time in the book every day. We've also had that problem with Danny and Donnie. Everyone always says "I'll try to read it every day." I've started to make it crystal clear that trying to read it every day is not enough. You have to do it. Nephi has explained that God will always provide a way for us to keep the commandments he gives us. (1 Nephi 3:7) God has commanded us to study the scriptures, to "feast upon the words of Christ" (2 Nephi 32:3). A principle I want everyone to understand, expecially anyone who is reading this email: It is not about finding time to read, it is about making time to read. Elder LeBaron and I were talking about this on our exchange on Tuesday and we came to the conclusion that life isn't about finding ourselves. We've been given this probationary state to make ourselves. Our goal is to be like Christ. To be perfect. Why should we ever expect that this comes without sacrifices? I've learned a lot about "becoming" the past couple of transfers. Especially this past week. I have been doing everything I can to be exactly obedient, despite what I or others want to do. I cannot begin to explain the amount of blessings I have seen this transfer from being as strict with myself as possible. I have never felt closer to the Godhead as I do now. We have been trying really hard to help Mary Ann and our other friends understand that if we really want to follow the Savior, we have to take actions that we normally would not. Sacrifice and consecration is required to follow and become like the Lord. I'll stop ranting about this now, but I just want it clear that testimony does not come from passive discipleship. In fact, there is no such thing as passive discipleship. To obtain testimony and knowledge we all have to make sacrifices. The Son of God suffered everything to save us from everlasting punishment. Surely we can sacrifice a couple minutes (at least) of our day to study His words and learn the things we need to. After all, "it is impossible ... to be saved in ignorance." (D&C 131:6)
Okay, I'm finished. For now. I'll end with this:
I've really been enjoying my studies lately because I'm learning so many things that I can apply to my teaching and to my every day life. Study the scriptures, I promise that you will find that same joy that I am finding. Ask questions, search and pray for answers. Feast upon the words of Christ until you always have a hunger for it. I love this Gospel, I know it is true. My knowledge has come from study, prayer, and application. I testify that God lives and that He loves ALL of us. Unconditionally. I testify that Jesus Christ is the living Son of God and that He gave His life as a ransom to save us from sin on conditions of repentance. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that he was God's instrument in restoring the fullness of the Gospel to the Earth. The Book that he translated by the gift and power of God, the Book of Mormon, is true. I know it. I promise that anyone who desires to know these things for themselves and has the intent to make changes in their lives to follow the Savior, can know. That knowledge only comes one way, and I believe I have explained that process enough in this letter. I love you all and I am so grateful for my family, my friends, and my Savior. I testify of these things in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
-Elder Peterson
I wasn't good at taking photos this past week. Sorry.
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