Last Friday we had a super good district council. We talked about prayer and how it can be a powerful tool to help us in every aspect of our lives. Lately President Harris (stake president) has been talking a lot about having real prayers. I challenged the district to write on a note card the things they need to change about their prayers and then talk about it with God. I also challenged them to have a 10 minute prayer, on their knees, alone, and out loud every day. I have been doing that for about a month I think and it has changed the way I pray. I have received much needed revelation in a more powerful way through those prayers. Y'all should give it a try sometime too. After that district council I had an exchange with Elder LeBaron. It was a lot of fun, maybe too much fun
. We also got to do some service in the morning, helping take out some fence in a member's yard. It was fun service. The exchange ended on Saturday and we got to attend a baptism.

Elder Jensen and Burton helped a sweet woman named Lena get baptized this past week. I also got to interview her for it several days ago. She has an awesome testimony and I was super happy for her. I also got to play the piano at the baptism and I had a super great time doing it.
We didn't have a lot of lessons last week because the people who were actually (but not actually apparently) progressing have been flaking out and a couple even told us they weren't interested anymore. But we did have a cool discussion with Courtney and Lamont. They have strong testimonies of Jesus Christ and were interested in our promise that the Book of Mormon and our message would help strengthen their faith in Him. I felt that we should invite them to read Alma 17, because I felt that Lamont would enjoy Ammon's story. The other day they actually texted us and told us that they did read it! I'm excited for them, it's too bad I don't get to visit them anymore.
Transfer news came on Sunday night and the trio is now broken up. Elder Woodhouse is staying in Moss Bluff and is getting two new trainers (he is staying in a trio, lol). Elder Heronema is now in Spring, Texas with his new trainer Elder Smith. I am in Vidor, Texas with Elder Nestripke (ness-trip-key) and I am a Zone Leader with him now. I'm excited, I've heard a lot of good things about this area and I've known Elder Nestripke for a long time (we sat next to each other on the plane ride here!). I'm gonna go now, I want to play pickle-ball.
Have a great week! The book of Mosiah is awesome!!
-Elder Peterson
That's the O'Dell family down there, they live in Moss Bluff, Louisiana. One of the best families I've met (and I'm not just saying that because one of them gets this email

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