Last week went by kind of slow, not gonna lie. Not in a bad way though, I think there just wasn't a lot happening. Here's a couple highlights though:
After pday last Monday I started an exchange with Elder Scibelli in his area. I cannot express how well I slept that night. They live in what used to be a pool house in the backyard of some members. It's one big room, besides the bathroom, but I actually really like it. The best part is that because it's one big room they can put their beds wherever they want. "Why is that so exciting?" I can hear you asking yourselves. If you've served a mission you'll know what I'm getting at here. This was the first time in 16 months that I got to sleep more than 6 feet away from someone. In fact, it was probably around 12 feet of space. I felt like I was sleeping in a room by myself again and it was a fantastic feeling.
I guess a lot of you are married though... I don't know, I just thought it was great.
If that place had a dishwasher and laundry machines I'd beg President Larkin to send me there 

On Thursday we had Zone Conference in Beaumont. It was really nice. Elder LeBaron is the only Elder in this district that I know somewhat well, so It's felt a little lonely since Elder Colt, Frogley, and Gale got transferred out. I caught up with Elder Colt at the Zone Conference and saw some other guys that I haven't seen in a while. The ZC was great too. We talked a lot about including members in our efforts and how to actually do that. President Goodman showed us a great way to help members feel the spirit and I tried it at our dinner with the Andersons and it was probably one of the most spiritual experiences I've had
. We read through 3 Nephi 11 and just discussed what it would have been like to be there when the Savior appeared to the Nephites. It talks about how He ministered to each person in the multitude one by one and had them feel the prints in His hands, feet, and side. We all thought about it and it was amazing how tangable the spirit was as we did.

That night (that we had dinner with the Andersons) we also had an awesome lesson with Joseph. Brother Aucoin came with us and we had a discussion about the Book of Mormon. We talked about why it is so important to find out if the Book of Mormon is true. We told him that it is either true or it is false. There is no inbetween. We read about what it feels like to feel the spirit and how we can recognize when God is communicating with us through the Holy Ghost. We also read about how God always answers our prayers when we ask in sincerity and with a real intent to act upon the answer we receive. Which brings up an important thing I've realized out here. God does not answer hypothetical questions. He's not going to give us anything we are not ready for. So if someone asks if the Book of Mormon is true, but has no intent of changing if needed, God isn't going to humor them. Moroni tells us that a testimony of this work comes from asking "with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ..." (Moroni 10:4) and that we must begin with reading and pondering to find truth. I have met MANY people who claim to have read the Book of Mormon and tell me that they received no spiritual confirmation of its authenticity or even that they received an answer that it is not true. I testify that every single one of those people did not perform the experiment correctly and they have been deceived. This, I believe, is the sifting factor. God is calling the elect to His ranks and is searching for the humble and meek. He answers the questions of the faithful and the honest seekers of truth. I explained these things to Joseph (in a more simplified way) and asked him a question. I said "Joseph, if you receive God's witness that this book is true, you will then know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and that this Church is the only church on Earth with the authority to baptize and perform saving ordinances. If you receive that answer, that we have spoken the truth, are you willing to be baptized?" (that's probably not 100% accurate of my question, but that's essentially what I said).
He said yes.
We then further emphasized how to get that answer and we each shared our testimonies of the Book of Mormon. It was a powerful lesson. Elder Woodhouse and Heronema did a good job. They taught with the scriptures and with their testimonies. I let them know they did great as we left.
I know that God lives and that His son, Jesus Christ, is the Savior of all mankind. The Book of Mormon is true and Joseph Smith is the prophet of God that restored the Church of Jesus Christ with all its doctrine and authority in these days. I love the scriptures and I love my Savior. I love being a missionary.
This work is true. That is my testimony and I treasure that knowledge.
I wish it was easier to express my feelings over an email

Have a great week!
-Elder Peterson
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