Things are going good in terms of teaching. We had a couple good lessons with Joseph, Paula, and Charlotte.
We met with Joseph twice this week, though the first time was on an exchange, so Elder Colt wasn't here. Elder Gale and I talked with him about the Restoration and then Elder Colt and I taught him about the Plan of Salvation. We think he's comprehending things fine, but we aren't totally sure. He has been reading a little, so we're hopeful. He's been experiencing a lot of frustration towards others and he says that the scriptures and prayer have been helping him a lot.
Paula has been awesome, though she is very talkative
I try to be understanding cause I don't think she gets company very often. Last time we met we were talking about the Restoration and she kept going off on tangents that really weren't related to the topic. I had to interrupt her a couple times to keep us moving on the right direction. The nice thing is that talkative people usually know they're talkative, so they don't seem to mind very much when you interrupt their tangents. She said she'd come to church at the end of our lesson, but she did not... which was sad...

Charlotte was really cool. She has been referred to missionaries in the past, so when we went to her house she was really hesitant. She said she's been told about the Book of Mormon by past missionaries and she isn't interested in it. She viewed it as a separate thing entirely from the Bible, I felt like she didn't quite understand that the books support each other. I felt prompted to show her Galatians 5:22 and how it explains what the Spirit feels like. Then I pulled out the Book of Mormon and read Moroni 7:16 and showed her how it further explains how to understand the Spirit. She was kind of amazed and told us that no one had ever showed her how the books work together. She was very curious and agreed to read another two scriptures that do the same. James 1:5 and Moroni 10:4-5. It was a cool experience and I'm very grateful the Spirit was prompting us to go that route.
It's too bad Paula didn't come to church, because we had a great Sacrament meeting. Elder Rascon (the Area Seventy) and President Harris (our Stake President) came to speak. President Harris shared a powerful testimony and then Elder Rascon made it even more powerful. Towards the end of his talk he had all of us missionaries come on the stage (there was 12 of us) and sing Called to Serve. He had the congregation join on the second verse and it was incredible how strong the Spirit was. I didn't like the attention on all of us, but it was cool to think that I'm playing a very important role in God's work right now. It's a huge honor and responsibility.
We still do not have our 3rd companion yet. Hopefully we will on Thursday.
Have a good week!
-Elder Peterson
We held some birds this week and I also made good food.
I made some amazing funeral potatoes (a little too much though...)
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