This past week has been awesome, so many miracles as well as interesting changes. Let me start with the overall miracle.
Last Sunday my dad told me that my family was fasting so that we'd be able to find more people to teach. The whole mission was also fasting for more faith to find. WELL IT WORKED. This past week we found several people to talk to and made many new friends. Last week Elder Chappell's companion went home early for school, so he joined us and we just kinda merged our areas and responsibilities for the rest of the transfer (last day is next Tuesday). He is an incredible missionary and I've already learned so much from him. One of the things I'm most impressed with, and this goes along with the miracle, is that he is VERY good at talking to people. He is very good at talking to everyone and making sure everyone knows who we are and what we do. This seriously played into helping us find more people, so I'm very grateful for that change.
Now here's where things get even more interesting. See, Elder Simpson and I are the Technology Specialists (TSs). Elder Chappell is an Assistant to the President (AP). Because of this merge, we three are acting both as TSs and as APs. It has been really fun

We've had many meetings and many errands to run. But we've also had some awesome lessons and finding sessions. I've had too many cool experiences to share them all, and I don't have a lot of time to keep writing right now, but I'll give a summary. By bearing pure testimony and by declaring the restored gospel, we have had many conversations. We've seen the Spirit working on people's hearts, turning them towards our message. And we've had many opportunities to show people that we truly are the Lord's servants. I've also been hearing of a lot of success among other missionaries and members. I'm reminded of Alma's declaration in Alma 29:
"14 But I do not joy in my own success alone, but my joy is more full because of the success of my brethren, who have been up to the land of Nephi."
Yeah, it's a little cheesy, but I mean it. Because of all the meetings I've gone to I've been able to see the mission statistics and wow... this has been a good week!
We did exchanges with some Zone Leaders and I went to their area. Their Spanish area. Noooo English. I was very confused most of the time, but it was very fun. We mowed a Widow's lawn and she made us lunch
it was awesome. I also got to go to Spanish class with Hermano Pomeroy, which is always exciting. Besides being fluent in spanish, he is a doctrinal wizard and always lets us ask Gospel questions. I asked him about the Old Testament Tabernacle and he taught us A LOT about it. That was a very fun exchange.

I don't know what else to talk about, I don't have a lot of time and everything else would take a while to explain
. All in all, it's been a fantastic week full of many blessings from the Lord.

I hope you all have a great week. Read Alma 29! (Verses 9 and 10 are on my plaque

-Elder Peterson
It was pouring and this member who fed us dinner walked us to our car with a beach umbrella 

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