Much time in the office again. President Larkin doesn't want us in the office too much, but we have things that come up almost everyday. Plus, Elder Simpson is an Ad Manager on top of technology specialist, so he's almost always got things to do there. At first it was getting pretty boring, because I'd finish my stuff way before he would, but I figured some stuff out. I'll help the vehicle department file some receipts from car maintenance (there's always a lot) or I'll call people in our area to try and set up times to meet with them. Or, if all else fails, I'll just take it as extra study time and read the scriptures or conference talks. It's fun being tech specialist though, because I get to help missionaries with their phone problems. I helped Elder Frogley with his new phone the other day and we also used the call as an opportunity to catch up
. The other day there was a huge rainstorm and we lost power in the office for 30 seconds, it was cool. Big rain.

I kinda love being in a bike area. You'd think it would be miserable because of the heat and humidity, but it's not really that bad. The biggest downsides I've noticed so far are that it's hard to keep water with me and the helmet ruins my hair. But those aren't even that bad, biking is fun anyway. As for finding people to teach while on bikes... it's difficult. It's a mixture of the area being small, no one is really outside during the day (HOT!), and everyone says they're "comfortable where they are." Remember, I'm in the rich part of the mission now... people don't often care what we have to share. BUT WE SHARE ANYWAY! Or try to at least
On Saturday we were able to meet with Tawana and teach her the Restoration. It went... okay... First off we had to stand outside because there's no other adult male around, then she kept getting distracted by bugs flying around. It was tough, but we got through the lesson. We testified of the Book of Mormon's truthfulness and invited her to seek that confirmation herself, which she agreed to do.
We also kinda had a lesson with our other friend Samantha. By kinda I mean that she called us last night and spoke for an hour and a half. The worst part was almost none of it made any sense. She was rambling about nonsense. Oh well, we pray she'll come around.
Yesterday I didn't actually give a talk. They called me the other day and told me they just need me to introduce myself and bear my testimony, which I did. The ward is really small right now because everyone leaves Texas in the summer. Too hot.
To finish off, we went paintballing as a zone today, it was a ton of fun. I was good enough to not get shot too much
, but some of the other missionaries have some good welts. I've got one on my hip, that's about it. It was super fun though. You'll notice in the picture that I look extremely irritated. I'm not, I'm just exhausted and I've got a bad headache.

Anyway, have a good week!
- Elder Peterson
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