Not a lot really happened this week, everyone was canceling or rescheduling. We were able to have a lesson with David and then Eric this past week though. Thankfully they didn't fall through. We also had Zone conference, which was awesome. It's been a while since I've seen Elder Frogley and some other good friends. But I'll start with the lessons.
David is an interesting situation I won't get into here. Suffice it to say he's aware that he's not on the right path towards heaven. But it's okay! Because he's willing to make changes. We taught him the Plan of Salvation and he really enjoyed it. He had some good questions about Heaven and he said he's willing to do the things necessary to receive a fullness of joy. Hopefully he stays that committed. We discussed the many blessings that come from following the Savior and we shared our testimonies which seemed to touch him.
Eric is someone we've been trying to meet since I got to this area (about 2 months now?). He was in the process of marrying a member in the YSA ward. They finally got married and their busy lives have calmed down a bit, so we can meet with them more. He wants to be baptized so he can go through the temple with Jazmine (his wife). We think it's really cool that he isn't a member but he already knows that there's blessings that come from the Lord's church. We had dinner with them last night and then talked a little about the Priesthood and how it was restored. He's also pretty excited that he'll be able to give blessings to others and perform ordinances with the Priesthood.
Those were the only lessons we had, but they were great. I'm glad we at least got to go to those two.
We had Zone Conference on Thursday and like I said, I got to see Elder Frogley again! I also saw a lot of other good friends, it was the best Zone Conference I've gone to so far. In terms of catching up with other Missionaries. After ZC we stopped by Buc-ee's and I got a fourth of July shirt. After that the rest of the week was kind of boring. Except for when I broke my shoe and father's day.
We went to a big park to try to talk to some people and ended up joining a game of soccer. I should've been more careful cause my shoe was already falling apart. But I played anyway and after about 10 minutes my shoe busted. I'll put a picture below, but man... I was pretty bummed. I've had the shoes for about 8 months and they were the only brown shoes I had. It was a good lesson of taking care of my belongings though. Things last longer when they're taken care of.
For father's day we Elders sang with the primary during sacrament meeting. We sang A Child's Prayer. Apparently the children were horrendous, but everyone said we did good. Except for a couple youth that made fun of me 

I don't know why, but the Saldaña kids call me their favorite one minute and then call me a bad singer the next. I feel like the favorite missionary should be treated better...
Oh well.
All in all, it was a slow week, but a good one. I'm excited for this next week, I'm hoping it'll be more eventful.
I'll add this as a final story. Yesterday Elder Nelson and I were sitting in our car waiting for it to be time to go to Eric's apartment when this drunk woman stumbles by alongside the road. There was a ditch right in between her and us and I realized she was probably gonna fall into it. She got closer and guess what? She fell in. We were about to get out and help her, but she was okay and we decided it would probably be safer for us to stay away from a hysterical drunk woman. She got all muddy and a couple people gave her an interesting look as she stumbled on her way down the road.
And people wonder why we don't drink.
Anyway, I hope y'all have a good week!
-Elder Peterson
La Porte's mascot is the bulldog, that's why we took pictures by the painting. And it's a cool painting.
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