| Mon, Apr 4, 7:01 AM | ![]() ![]() | ||
I have just about completely lost inspiration for the subjects of these emails. This is my last idea, a random word. 

Discarnate - adjective
1. Having no physical body or form
Now you know.
Anyway, this past week was a good one, I think. I can't ever remember anything.
Highlight (besides conference) was probably my interview with President Larkin. I asked him a couple questions and I'm very satisfied with the answers he offered. One of them was personal, so I'm glad I got an answer. While we waited for our turns with President, we chatted with Sister Larkin. She brought out a little white board and gave us a little challenge. To draw the Plan of Salvation on it.
(Side note, I just figured out that I can change the text color... neat)
She had a bunch of different colored markers, so each of us missionaries (there were 5 of us in the "waiting room") took turns drawing out each step in the Plan of Salvation. It was pretty fun, and we are all satisfied with the end result. I'll put a picture if it at the bottom. And if any of you have any questions or comments about either the drawing itself or the Plan of Salvation, please don't hesitate to write me an email. I love getting emails or letters from people, especially when I get to apply what I've learned as a missionary in my response. Ask away!
Now, as for General Conference...
I'm gonna share a couple notes I made and why I liked them.
1) Elder Anderson: "We don't eradicate evil with more evil."
I'm not sure if that is a direct quote or not, my notes aren't very specific. But the idea alone is very profound. We were all taught as children that "two wrongs don't make a right." From what I understood, that's kind of the concept here. The only thing that can "eradicate" the influence of the devil is the everlasting Light of Christ. Seek to have it and then seek to spread it, we need to share the Light that is within us all!
2) Elder Ballard: I liked two things specifically from his talk. I mean, the whole thing was awesome, but these stood out to me. One, that parents have a vital role in preparing youth to serve missions. Missionary work was talked about so much in this conference, I think they're trying to make me feel special. On this note I'd like to thank my parents and all of my family for helping me prepare to serve a mission. I've never been more grateful for the way I was raised. Not a day goes by that I don't at some point think "what would Dad do here..." or "what would Mom expect me to do..." I thank my Father in Heaven for my parents and family and the influence they've been, and continue to be, every day. I don't know where I'd be without them.
The second thing Elder Ballard mentioned is that we aren't released from activity in the church when we are released from our missions. Now, I know that's a ways down the road for me, but it's often on my mind. What kind of person do I want to be when I return home? Above all, I want to remain a missionary! I want to be able to boldly invite others to come unto Christ in all that I do. This got me thinking that if I want to be like that, I better start now! I need to be a better missionary. A disciple of Christ that shares the glad message of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all of God's children (Write me to learn more

3) President Nelson: I loved the 5 points of spiritual momentum that he shared.
1. Get on the Covenant path and stay there
2. Discover the joy of daily repentance
3. Learn about God and how He works
4. Seek and expect miracles
5. End conflicts in your personal life
Every single one of us can work on each of these points. As we do these things, we will find do much more joy in life. It is worth noting though, as President Nelson also did, that following these steps doesn't mean an end to the troubles of life. These steps are intended to give us "Spiritual Momentum" so we can push through the troubles. I'm very grateful for the Prophet's counsel, and I invite all of you to follow these 5 steps and watch the blessings pour from heaven.
There's not much more to add from this past week. We were approached by a crazy guy. First time on my mission I had put my hand on someone's shoulder to keep them back. He had nasty breath and no personal space. Fun fun.
I hope y'all enjoy this next week, I hope I do to!
-Elder Peterson
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