Hello Everyone!
We got to do an awesome amount of service this past week. We helped the Olvera family move some junk out of their house so they can do renovations on their home. Brother Olvera was going to throw out a rusty electric guitar, but I told him I'd take it. It just needed new strings and now it works fine. We finished helping them throw junk away and my nose was going crazy from all the dust. The next day we went to the soup kitchen and had a good time there. As usual, not a ton of people came. But it was still super fun. Then, on Thursday night, we helped a lady in our ward take apart a chair she wanted to return. It was a very quick job and she was super greatful.
On Sunday there was a baptism! Just not someone I taught. Elders Heiner and Masaki helped a kid named Preston get ready for baptism. Then, the night before (Saturday night) they asked if I could conduct. Sure! Man, that was embarassing. I did fine, or at least that's what all the sweet old ladies said. Luckily, I didn't ruin the whole thing (it actually went great, I didn't do bad I dont think). It was really cool though, I haven't been to a baptismal service in a while. It was awesome to see the excitement and pure joy on Preston's face afterwards.
This week we have finally had lessons. I knew that we'd eventually get back into it. There was one last night specifically I want to share. We went to talk to a guy named Davis. This man... I want to be his friend so bad
. He loves the outdoors and goes fishing constantly. His dream is to go on an adventure, just camping and fishing across the country. Then he wants to start a non-profit to help teach kids to fish. SO COOL. We talked for a good while about these interests of his and then the conversation naturally merged into the Gospel. We were able to share several scriptures and share our testimonies several times. At the end he said he would like us to come back on Friday to talk some more. It was awesome, I haven't had a conversation with someone non-member go to Gospel, without them trying to bash us, in a long time.

I'm very grateful that we've been able to teach people and that they've been understanding our message. I've been praying for a while and we finally have the opportunities to share my testimony and those opportunities are coming back. Patience is a virtue, one I normally lack, but I'm glad I've been able to be patient with this. I know the Lord answers our prayers and I'm grateful He does so. 2 Nephi 32:9 guys... 2 Nephi 32:9
I love ya'll and I'm praying for all of you!
-Elder Peterson
Ps: Elder Fisher is gone. Transfers were today and everyone stays but him. Elder Gale's new companion is Elder Morly
1) One of the Olvera's puppies
2) Elder Fisher looking like a wizard
3) puppy
4) A woodpecker
5) A lizard
6) A man
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