Elder Bowers and I got a little bored, so we decided to grow some plants. We bought two pots and some starting soil and then seeds. I decided to buy some peppermint seeds because I've wanted my own little mint plant for a while, and It would be a fun project. Elder Bowers bought raddish seeds... He thinks he's hilarious, which I guess it is pretty funny, but I'm not so sure we have the right conditions to actuallly grow them. We only have pots and I don't know if they can fully develop in a small pot. But he doesn't care, so oh well.
We got out of Quarentine last Wednesday which was a huge relief. We were able to actually start teaching people again. We were supposed to meet with Crystella, but she wasn't home! We set up the appointment and she was super excited, and then didn't show. We were pretty disappointed. We haven't even been in contact with her for a while, she hasn't been answering our calls. We had a lesson with Jean and it went super well. We answered a ton of questions he had about the spirit world and the Kingdoms of Glory. We answered them all (the best we could) and then invited him to pray about all of it and to read the Book of Mormon to see if he can find more answers. He's a really nice guy and I think he has great potential, I just pray he'll keep commitments. Then we also met with Janet a couple days ago. It went great and she accepted the story of the Restoration. We gave her a Book of Mormon (and the app) and invited her to read and pray. We had a good conversation about prayer as well and ended up giving her some scriptures to read about prayer. It was all good and dandy until she made a comment right before we left. She started talking about breaking out and for a moment I was confused. Then she said she'll give us some soap to help and I was so surprised. SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT MY ACNE!! It's not even that baaaad... I had a zit that day that was worse than usual and she thought it was bad enough to give me a bar of soap for it. Ugh. It was actually pretty nice of her, but come on...
New Years was kinda lame, not gonna lie. We had to be back inside by 7 because President Larkin was worried about drunk drivers. So we just hungout with Elders Gale and Fisher and talked until they needed to leave. After that Elder Bowers and I pretty much just talked until midnight. We heard a ton of fireworks and I got super excited, I LOVE fireworks. But when we looked outside, we couldn't see any of them. There were too many trees and apartments in the way. I got super sad, because we heard BIG ones but couldn't see any. Then we stepped into the parking lot a little and were finally able to see some. It was the end of the firework show, but we got to see a couple good ones which made me very happy. The next day, January 1st, was FREEZING. 30 degrees all day with bitter wind. It was crazy cold, but we still went and street contacted for a while.
This past week has been an interesting one. I've been disappointed over and over again with people not keeping their commitments. It's pretty hard to teach people when they don't learn. But obviously we can't give up, I've been praying and praying for these good people to be able to find out for themselves that the Book of Mormon is true. It's hard for me because it's actually really easy for people to do, read and pray. That's it. But no one will do either, even though they already read the Bible and pray every day. Man... I guess at the very least we're sharing the light of Christ. If in the end they still haven't accepted the Restored Gospel, at least we've planted a seed that will eventually sprout, whether in this life or the next. I'm glad I at least know that. Honestly, that's motivation enough for me, I'm doing the best I can, eventually they will find out the truth for themselves.
Pray for them guys, Crystella, Jean, Janet, Jimmy, Ashly, Lisa, Robert, and CJ. They are great people and I want so desperately for them to receive all the blessings that come from this Gospel.
Happy New Years!!!
Until next week,
-Elder Peterson
1) Elder Bowers Shaving
2) Happy New Years!
3) Bike
4) Elder Bowers is actually pretty strong, I'm a whole 140 pounds...
5) Cool tank
6) Creepy Bowers
7) Elder Fisher is actually pretty strong 

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