This should be an interesting transfer... more on that later.
Last Saturday Derrick took Elder Bowers and I out to lunch. We each got 3lbs of crawfish and boy was it good. He had to teach us how to eat them, but once we figured it out it was super good. The only unfortunate thing was how spicy they were. By the end of lunch my lips were numb and I couldn't taste much of anything. Still awesome though!
Last week we also had social media training. It was very good and I actually learned a lot about every aspect of missionary work. We spoke with the social media specialists and they taught us a lot about chapel tours. I'm really excited to do some tours of the chapel, I feel like it will help our friends be less nervous about coming to church. They also talked to us about being "finishers," basically hard workers with no regrets. I liked their testimonies and there's a lot I can and will be improving on.
I can't remember much else, but let's talk about today. I have a new comanion, Elder Child. What I'm excited about is that I'm training him! He's brand new and I have been trusted to begin his training. He is from American Fork, Utah and he seems like a hard worker, which is good. At the building where transfers takes place I saw all of my companions in one spot. I spoke with Elders Frogley, Paulsen, Webb, and Bowers at the same time with Elder Child next to me. It was pretty cool, I love seeing those guys. I will miss Elder Bowers, he's gonna be a good friend for a while, but he is also training somewhere north of here. Also, Elder Frogley is a District Leader now, he's gonna do awesome, I'm excited for him. I can't really think of much else to say, maybe I should start writing these with my journal next to me.
These are some people you guys should pray for:
-Ebony is meeting with us fairly frequently, but I'm not sure how well she understands everything. She wants to change her life for the better, so we are trying to get her to see how the Church will do that for her.
-Jean has been meeting with the missionaries for a while, he has a pretty traumatic past and he has some things he's struggling to accept (things like the after life, word of wisdom, etc.).
-Marcus is kind of the same situation as Jean, he has a hard time accepting some of our beliefs, but he wants what is best for his life. He also smokes A LOT.
-Emanuel is finally reading (listening) to the Book of Mormon and he says he loves it. I just hope we'll be able to help him understand the importance of the restored church of Jesus Christ.
-Jannet is having an incredibly hard time right now. Her boyfriend is abusing her (she says) and the police apparently aren't helping her. She's trying to find a new place to live so she can get away from him, but no luck so far. She has a desire to learn more, but she's just having too hard of a time studying the scriptures and trusting our teachings.
Those are the people I believe need the most prayer right now, so please try to add them to your prayers. As fellow children of God, they deserve all the blessings that come from membership in this church that we enjoy. All of them also live in poverty and have a hard time making a living, so every prayer counts. Thank you!
The past transfer has taught me a lot about being a hard worker and a consecrated desciple of Christ. I know that as we show our love to God by serving and blessing His children (and our brothers and sisters) we will find just as many blessings, if not more.
God lives, and He loves us. My testimony of this is unshakeable and firm. Every person deserves to know and understand this, which is why I am so grateful for my call. I love all of you guys and I pray for you constantly. Stay safe, stay strong.
-Elder Peterson
1) 3 lbs of crawfish
2) cake (my mom sent this on my birthday, I only just now made it. Happy birthday mom)
3) dog
4) Elder Bowers and I
5) Crawford lunch (that's a potato in my mouth)
6) Elder Bowers "raddish"
7) I caught a duck at the park.
8) Cool Pic, I think
9) dog 2
10) Elder Bowers "packing" for transfers
11) Elder Bowers after kicking a chair.