So, we're not actually allowed to go door to door. But we can knock on the door of any person who has at any time been in contact with missionaries. So Elder Webb and I went and knocked on a TON of doors this past week. Not super successful, but our appointments kept falling through so it was something else to do. It was an interesting week of knocking on doors. We got threatened a couple times, screamed at, blatantly ignored, all the good stuff. But a couple people actually expressed gratitude that we came and they asked us to come again, so that was awesome. On a lot of the doors that just didn't answer, we left pass-along cards that basically just had our number and a note along the lines of "Hey, sorry we must have caught you at a bad time. No worries, give us a call when you get the chance! -The Missionaries" To no surprise, none of those people have called us back. Except one.
Oh boy.
We got a call from someone today. We assume she was one of the people we left a card for, because she knew we are missionaries. I didn't recognize the number, but obviously I'm still going to answer, so I did. Immediately, IMMEDIATELY, this woman starts rapidly screaming in some african accent. She said something along the lines of "you missionaries are the worst kinds of people, you teach about Christ but you don't act like him" blah blah blah. A bunch of nonsense that is super far off. But then she accused us of "bashing her car" and then said that if we don't fix it within 7 days, we'll get what's coming. I had hung up after the first part and then I blocked her after she tried calling again. She had left a message that had the rest of the nonsense and I don't even know what to think about it.
So besides the weird stuff that's been happening, something super cool happened too. Monica, someone I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before, has been completely silent for almost a month. She was our most progressing friend and we were seriously worried about her. Yesterday, Elder Webb and I decided that we would try one more time before dropping her. After so many failed attempts to get in contact, we had to assume that she is either no longer interested or she had moved or something. So we went over to her house and walked up to the door. To be honest, I was not super optimistic about it. I had no Idea how it was gonna go.
But it was AWESOME!
She answered and invited us in. She started going off on how she's been out of town and how she's been meaning to get back to us, but she kept on forgetting (I'm not surprised). She started apologizing like crazy and babbling random stuff. We forgave her, of course, and told her that we're just glad we finally got in contact with her. We set up another time to visit and then left after talking for a bit longer. Monica is a super sweet woman and I can't even begin to explain how grateful I am that we were able to reach her again. As a missionary you see others as the children of God they are. I've noticed how, amazingly, I have a deep love and desire to help every person we meet. Even the ones that ghost us. It is such a sad thing when people tell us that they're no longer interested or when they just stop meeting with us. Our goal is to teach others how they can draw close to the Savior and when they decide that they'd rather do other things... It's hard to take. Monica is a wonderful daughter of God, and whether or not she realizes it, she has incredible potential in this the true church of Jesus Christ. I had been praying so much that we'd be able to see Monica again, and as always, God has delivered.
I know this church is true. There is no doubt in my mind about that. Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of each and every one of God's children. And we are all His children. Jesus Christ is the way back to our Father in Heaven, and it is his church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, that teaches all people how to follow him. The scriptures are the word of God, the Book of Mormon contains the fullness of the Gospel, and prayer is how we know that these things are true. But seriously, don't take my word for it. If you don't already have a testimony of these things, or even if you do have one, but could use a refreshing, ASK GOD. He is the source of all truth and through sincere prayer to Him, you can know these things for yourself.
Build your testimony in the Savior and follow his council. He says, "Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up [...]" (3 Nephi 18:24). Pray, build your testimony, and then "let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)
I think I've rambled on for long enough. I love you all, and I pray for you all. Have a great week everyone!
And don't forget to say happy birthday to my mom 

-Elder Peterson
1) Houston
2) A bunch of nasty animals
3) Plane
4) Cool Freeway Bridge
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