This past week we met with Marie and Lilia again and it was awesome! Brother and Sister McCann came with us and we went over the baptism interview questions with them. Marie was accepting all of it to the point of immediately agreeing to stop drinking coffee and stop smoking. It was awesome!!! Lilia still hasn't figured out if being baptized is right for her or not (it is) but shes still praying about it.
You know what's even more awesome? They came to church last Sunday!! And they loved it!!! It was so cool, these ladies are so committed to following the Savior, it's such a blessing to be a part of their journey.

Later that night we stopped by to give Marie a large print copy of the Book of Mormon and she said a prayer before we left. She said some awesome things and this part really touched me. She said: "God, I can't promise I'll do this quickly and I can't promise I'll do it perfectly. But I promise that I'll give it all I've got." She then proceeded to pray for Elder Mangan and I, her "missionary friends."
I'm so excited for them, she is planning on being baptized on the 11th of June and we are all excited for it. Please keep praying for her, it's seriously working 

The other day we went to help a lady named Linda Dula move some boxes and get a little more settled in her new home. She's a nonmember and we had also talked to her about doing a Bible study as well.
We didn't have a Bible study.
She used our labor for an hour and then basically told us she wasn't interested. I was honestly pretty annoyed. We had planned on sharing a quick message after helping her out a bit and she just wouldn't let us! She used us to move her boxes! 

So rude.
I don't think we'll be going over for "Bible studies" anymore.
Pretty much the whole day yesterday and this morning was a blitz with Elder Bengtzen. Elders Mangan and Barben were transferring out of the area (they're out now, I've got a new companion, keep reading), so those two were driving around saying goodbye to people while Elder Bengtzen (the new District Leader) and I drove around and did MISSIONARY WORK. It was awesome, I love the guy. This morning we drove to a Cavender's Boot Store and Elder Bengtzen drooled over these $800 gator skin boots, it was fun. Oh yeah, he also bought a $250 banjo, but apparently that's not weird.
Yes it is, Elder Bengtzen. Yes it is.
But he's excited to have it, so who am I to judge 

Elder Mangan got transfered to Woodville Texas and I got Elder Nelson out of Beaumont Texas. He's been out one transfer longer than me, so we're pretty even. He's from Gilbert Arizona and he's actually a pretty cool guy. I'm excited.
We had an awesome lesson today with a guy named Carlos. We taught him the plan of salvation and he loved it. Elder Nelson is a great teacher and we taught very well together. I'm excited for this transfer, I'm expecting lot of miracles! Thank you for all your prayers! 

I love ya'll and I pray for you. Be strong, steadfast and immovable!

-Elder Peterson
Oh yeah, Elder Bengtzen also bought a $50 rope. 

That picture of me looking really happy is from Sunday. Not gonna lie, I can't remember the context. Sorry