My family sent me a little bluetooth keyboard to connect to my phone. Boy, it makes this a lot easier! Maybe I'll try to write the future emails earlier in the morning so that you guys can wake up to a good eye roll and "what is he doing over there..."

This morning Elder Bowers and I woke up and checked under our fabric Christmas tree that hangs on the wall to see if Santa came. Underneath the tree were presents! But Santa didn't come, because if he tried to fly over Texas, he'd probably get shot at. All the presents had my name on them, because Elder Bowers wouldn't put his packages under the tree. Lame.
We opened our little collection of gifts until the other Elders (Fisher and Gale) knocked on the door. We let them in and then we all talked about the cool things we got. I got a rain jacket from my parents, which is super nice and helpful for this unpredictable weather. I also got this keyboard, a book with piano sheet music, and a ton of candy and other trinkets. I also got a lot of candy and cards from some of you guys. Thank you so much!! I love candy!

After opening everything we hungout with the other Elders and played games while taking breaks to call family. We originally had plans to go to some member's homes for meals and to hangout, but interesting thing happened. We got Covid.
We've been in quarentine since Tuesday and we have not been able to do much. I believe I talked about how I wasn't feeling good in my last email, but on Tuesday I felt like I had a cold, but our mission president was urging those who were sick (about half the mission) to get tested. We all tested positive and have been having a blast inside. Apparently someone brought it to the Christmas conference and spread it around to everyone there. I wonder who it was...
We've been doing our best to fill time, but it's been difficult. We've been calling a ton of people trying to set up appointments over the phone or for after our quarentine. About 90% of the people who actually answer agree, but then 99% of them fall through on the appointments.
It's okay though, because at least we're trying. And we actually had a super sweet lesson on Thursday with Crystella again. Last time we met we taught her the restoration and invited her to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. Unlike most of the people we teach, she actually read and prayed!! She told us that she feels it is true and she really enjoys reading it. We were so excited, it was probably a good thing it was over the phone because Elder Bowers and I were fist pumping and silently whooping. It's sooooo exciting when people actually act on our invitation, I can't even express the feeling in words. So we talked about her reading and then about how the spirit works. Then we taught her about the Plan of Salvation. I absolutely love teaching the Plan of Salvation. When people actually listen and open their hearts to the message, there is always such a strong spirit. The Plan of Hapiness is called that for a reason, everyone is so touched by this beautiful plan that our Father in Heaven has created for us. Crystella listened intently the whole time. She expecially loved the idea of a spirit world where everyone gets the opportunity to learn about the Gospel and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.
It was a super good time and she told us that she's going to pray about everything we shared and keep reading the Book of Mormon. I'm so excited for her!

Other than that super awesome lesson, not much has happened during this week. We went to a couple parks to take a walk and get fresh air, but we aren't allowed to talk to anyone. Next Wednesday we can come out of hiding and began working in person again. I hope it comes soon.

Christmas is such an awesome time. It's a time to give and to be with family and loved ones. But most importantly, it's a time to remember the Savior and all He's done for us. I am so grateful for Jesus Christ's example and for His infinite Atonement. I know that everything is centered on the Savior and that it is only through him that we can return to live in heaven with our Heavenly Parents and our other family. I'm grateful for the knowledge I have of this plan that God has put forth. And I'm especially grateful for my family and for all they have given me. I love them and I hope their Christmas is centered on the Savior.
I love you all and I'm very grateful for each of you.
(Also, this is my warmest Christmas ever. 81° right now)

-Elder Peterson
1) There's actually a street named Peterson in Port Arthur! (Technically Nederland, but that's in the Port Arthur area)
2) Elder Bowers in the sky
3) A cool boat that went by us. As it went by a couple people waved at us and they honked the horn. A very loud one. I got a video of it, but it's too big to attach here.
4) A paper signed by some people in my ward (you guys rock! Thank you!!